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What's happening in Sagittarius season?

What's happening in Sagittarius season?

What's happening in Sagittarius season?

November 21 st PST | EST | GMT

Sagittarius season: The quest for freedom and expansion begins…

After the deeply intense waters of Scorpio season, we can welcome some lighter
energy as the season of Sagittarius arrives. Bringing much-needed warmth and a
sprinkling of joy, this fire sign asks us to rise out of the darkness in search of some
light. Just as the Sagittarian centaur raises his arrow to shoot into the heavens, you may also be ready to aim high, but first, let’s take a look at the bigger picture…

Ruled by Jupiter, planet of optimism and opportunities, Sagittarius season infuses us with a jubilant, abundant energy. Expanding our horizons is what this season can
help us with. However, this year, a chunk of this season will be tempered by a
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. This suggests that it could be a good opportunity
to slow down to gain a new perspective. This Sagittarius season isn’t for throwing
caution to the wind, but more to stand back and consider which new horizons you
are aiming for.


Ways to welcome Sagittarius energy:

Reflect on what you’ve learnt: What did you learn during Scorpio
season which can help you welcome a new path or new energy?
Appreciate abundance: Make a gratitude list. Take stock and
appreciate all that is good in your world.
Embrace a new perspective: What helps you to look at things in a
different way? Open your mind to new ways of thinking.
Question your belief systems: What beliefs are helping you or
hindering you? Does something need to shift?
Socialise: Spend time with those who lift you up. This season
celebrates love and laughter.

A time to process change…
Sagittarius energy encourages us to open our minds to new possibilities and to tap
into a sense of adventure. Whilst a Mercury retrograde in this sign points to a
slowing down of the natural flow, we get an extra opportunity to take in the bigger
picture when this happens. This can be helpful as we come to the end of the
calendar year and start to think about how we’d like to expand our horizons in 2025.
Give yourself time to process change as we move forwards.

13 Moon Journal

2025 edition of Moon Phase Studios 13 Moon Journal

Journals at the ready
One of the best ways to start working with the cosmos is to understand how
planetary shifts show up in your world. This is just one way of tuning in. During
Sagittarius season you may wish to journal about, or note down, any important
events, patterns or shifts that transpire around the following dates:

 25/26th November: Mercury goes retrograde
30th November / 1 st December: New Moon in Sagittarius
 6th December: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
 6th /7th December: Venus moves into Aquarius
 7th December: Neptune retrograde ends
 15th December: Mercury retrograde ends
15th December: Full Moon in Gemini

Enjoy being cosmically conscious!

See you at the new moon…

Charlotte x

About Charlotte Lauren