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New Moon in Sagittarius 2024

New Moon in Sagittarius 2024

New Moon in Sagittarius 2024

New Moon in Sagittarius: It’s time to stoke your inner fire

30th November PST 22:21| 1st December EST 01:21| GMT 06:21

Beginning with a new moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius, this lunar cycle takes us to (almost) the end of December. Helping us to wrap up this year with some reflection and an opportunity to widen our perspective, this new moon invites us to consider how we can expand our horizons. If you are ready to step into the magic of this cycle, read on…

Sagittarius energy encourages us to aim high and dream big. A new moon in this sign can help us to find fresh ways of looking at things with joy and enthusiasm. As we step into the festive season, this can feel very welcome! The lighthearted energy that Sagittarius brings can help us to appreciate abundance in our lives and to celebrate our wins.

moon journal

Photograph of Moon Phase Studios 13 Moon Journal for 2024

The important side note here is that the new moon is accompanied by Mercury retrograde and Saturnian energy, bringing a slower, weightier feel. This is where some reflection can be useful. Take time to pause and fully realise the wisdom you have gained this year. Consider your dreams and plans carefully before forging ahead. This lunar cycle has much to teach us…

Ways to work with the new moon in Sagittarius:

  • Celebrate what inspires you: When do you feel energized and inspired? Maybe it’s through some kind of activity, gaining knowledge or being creative. How can you bring some more of that energy in?
  • Look at the bigger picture: Take a step back. What feels truly important now? Rather than a scattered approach, assess the view to see where your focus is best placed.
  • Seek out fun: Is it time to enjoy and celebrate life a little more? What are the hobbies/ who are the people that bring you joy? Give them some of your time.
  • Practice gratitude: What in your life feels plentiful? Make a list of all the things you are grateful for.
  • Pause to consider future goals: Take time to reflect on what new horizons may be out there. Let yourself be optimistic!

Setting intentions

New moons are often helpful times for quiet introspection and reflection. They are also potent for exploring and setting intentions. We can help this process by journalling, meditating or simply finding some quiet time to visualise our goals. Here are some prompts to help you on your way:

Journal prompts for the Sagittarius new moon:

  • What people or places bring me joy?
  • How have my beliefs shifted this year?
  • What new perspective is needed now?
  • How can I use the wisdom I have gained to move forward?

This is a powerful new moon for pausing and appreciating where we are now to gather energy for the path ahead. Enjoy it!

With lunar blessings,

Charlotte x

About Charlotte Lauren